21st Century Sexism

Although sexism is becoming less and less, there still is an existence of sexism and I wanted to explore how sexism is prevalent in the 21st Century. Using the digital assistant, Alexa (a default female voice), I portrayed the roles of women in the workplace by having a male voice ask Alexa questions that are typically sexist. 

The outcome intented to be a projection exhibition in which the video would be projected onto the floor. This was intended as a metaphor for being ‘walked all over’ as the audience would be able to walk over the alexa ring. Unfortunately, due to the lack of equipment, this couldn’t happen- there are images here also showing the process of the projection trails.

The video alone was the final outcome to this project.

A graphic designer based in the North West who believes 
branding and content creation are powerful visual tools that can 
improve engagement and experience.


→ jennakko@gmail.com
→ @jennaowen.design


Through Green Tinted Glasses
Serving Revenge
Everyman Archive


21st Century Sexism
Tom Hanks’ Daily Typewriters